Buiilldiing Traffiic

Buiilldiing Traffiic
                               Prince adelaja amuda
                      CEO: PRINCE WEBSECRET NIG
                                        IMMS GURU

Traffic…it’s the horse that ultimately drives sales and profits. Without it, you are dead in the
water. Traffic is generated using three principle components:
• Content
• Links
• Marketing

Content is King
Make no mistake about it: your site will go nowhere without high quality, reliable content that is
both relevant and useful to visitors. The search engines, and Google especially, love original
content and go to great lengths to ferret it out and prevent duplicate content. The search engines
send out programs known as spiders who comb through your website and rank the content based
upon an algorithm with over 100 variables. If your site has added new, relevant content with
keywords relating to your niche used throughout, then you will move up in the rankings. If the
spiders find that no new content has been added or duplicate material, you could fall in the
rankings or perhaps have your site banned or suspended.
However, what many fail to realize when they begin a website is this constant need for new
content. Thousands of businesses and tens of thousands of freelance writers have sprung up to
fill this content void—but its never enough. Content has become a very real and consistent
expense for many successful websites. While article directories and article sharing services were
once popular, however, the insistence of the search engines for original content has made these
strategies almost non-existent.
No matter what, the need for content will continue while your duties will increase as the business
is more successful. To date, only producing the content yourself or hiring the services of a writer
or Web content provider can fill this need for new information on the site. Whatever you do, do
not use inferior content as filler on your site because Google and the other search engines are
really developing complex algorithms that can detect and evaluate the readability and usefulness
of content to an amazingly accurate degree.
Long term success via Internet marketing is dependent upon having a website that serves as an
authoritative source of reliable information and content on a particular niche. Websites need
new content added weekly at least, daily preferably. Blogs and other interactive forums is a
great way to build content while creating the potential to copyright information and distribute it
as a marketing tool and establishing links.
Content is indeed king so take care to develop some long term strategy that will keep the website
growing while continuing to brand the site as an authoritative source of information. Aside from
that, here are some shorter term tips to help you quickly boost traffic and make another $700 or
more in a week or less from an existing site:
1. Classifieds in ezines: The best part of any Internet marketing campaign is targeted
traffic. Ezine classifieds  at www.ezinesarticles.com are read by thousands of people each and every day looking for
information on just about anything. For $10-40, you can place an ad in a place where
you know people interested in your niche will look for products or services. Dollar for
dollar, this is one of the most effective ways to boost traffic to your site.
2. Yahoo classifieds: The beauty of Yahoo classifieds is that they are absolutely free unless
you opt for the fancy options. With millions of visitors each and every day, Yahoo
classifieds presents a quick way to boost traffic without laying out a dime so don’t pass
this one up.
3. Aggressive Linking Campaign: Aside from content, the other critical variable to
building major traffic is linking. The search engines like sites that are connected to
popular sites. The more connections your site has with successful websites, the higher
your natural ranking will be in the search engines. Aggressively peruse your niche and
try linking with sites related to yours and networking in trade groups. The right links can
make quantum leaps in your rankings so be certain to make this a priority in your efforts!
4. Free is Key: People just love the idea of getting something free so don’t forget that
when trying to quickly boost traffic. Assemble links to cool tools visitors might find
useful and somehow relevant to your niche. Create reports filled with useful, relevant
information and leverage it in a squeeze page.

Always look for ways to build your list AND increase traffic. Visitors are nice…e-mail
addresses are better…and sales are divine. By using these simple tips and one of the strategies
outlined in this report, you can completely change your financial destiny and make a break from
the 9 to 5 scene! While not every strategy will provide immediate success or even $700 in 7
days or less in most circumstances, all will provide immediate revenue streams that can be
nurtured and enhanced into a true e-business empire. This is the Electronic Age and the Internet
is the future when it comes to commerce—you need a website and to develop virtual real estate
while branding your business as an authority on some niche topic. Otherwise, it may only be a
matter of time before globalization or outsourcing cause your job—and livelihood—to disappear.
Secure your future now using Internet marketing to explore the opportunities that the world’s
largest marketplace has to offer!

Well anyway I went on a little search and found that you could cheat the system by inserting a little javascript to make it happen! Here is how to do it:
  1. Go to your Event, Group or page and click “Invite People”.
  2. Once the page has loaded you should see all of your friends, but they are not selected.
  3. At this point, copy and paste the javascript code below into your Web browser’s address bar, then hit “Enter”.
  4. If all goes well, it selects all of your friends!
  5. IMPORTANT: NOW YOU MUST WAIT!!! If you have a lot of friends, you have to leave that window open for a long time so it sends all of the invitations! I have about 1,400 and it took like 15-20 minutes to send all of the invitations. The Invite window will close when its done. So exercise patience!!!!!!!!!!
javascript:elms=document.getElementById('friends').getElementsByTagName('li');for(var fid in elms){if(typeof elms[fid] === 'object'){fs.click(elms[fid]);}}
If that first method doesn’t work for you give this a try:
Right click the “friend box” and open it in a new tab…
Then paste this ==> javascript: fs.select_all()